Our tips to overcome fear and self-doubt

Our tips to overcome fear and self-doubt

our tips to overcome fear and self-doubt

"Believe in your infinite potential. your only limitations are those you set upon yourself"

We are not professionals when it comes to giving advice to others. However, we do love to share our learnings, growth, ups and downs with you all in the hopes that it will help you along your own journey.

Our big scary and audacious goal at the start of 2023 was to create one Youtube video every single week. We were so pumped, excited and just ready for the challenge. We uploaded 2 mau rākau videos and thought wow, this is amazing. But slowly after... the negative self-doubt and fear seeped in..

Instead of focusing on all of the positive comments, we naturally gravitated and focused on the only
negative one.

We tried to put on a brave face however as the weeks went by, that negative self-talk grew deeper and we eventually gave in and stopped creating content.

Since posting our latest Youtube video we have received so many messages of support and encouragement. We have summarised some of those words and tips in the list below.


take a break

It seems so simple, however being able to take a break and not force ourselves to create content did wonders. It allowed us to take a step back and ask the important questions. Why am I creating this content? What is the purpose? Do I enjoy doing this?

Take a break when you need it and come back to your reason 'why'.


get support

We are fortunate to have each other through the good and the bad times. When one of us is feeling frustrated or in a rut, it's usually the other person who helps to pull us out. If you are struggling e te iwi, make sure to speak out about it. Sometimes speaking with someone you're comfortable with can make all the difference and show you new perspectives you might not have thought about.  

 Chat to someone you trust and be open to new perspectives.


grow you

For us, the phrase 'grow you' means doing what you need to grow your skills and capability. If you feel self-doubt creeping in, do something to grow your confidence within this space. For example, in the realm of Mau rākau it may be going to a wānanga to learn more, speaking with your previous mentors etc.

 Grow your capability (at your own pace) and do things to work on building your confidence back. 

Thank you for reading our blog!

MESSAGE US @calebtekotiri on Instagram or Facebook message Calebtekotiri if you have any questions. We would love to hear your feedback and any suggestions on future blogs. Appreciate your time and can't wait to see you in the next one.

Ngā mihi,
Jackie & Caleb